
Scrolldown now has Dialogues

hey. I just added Dialogues to Scrolldown.
cool. But what's Scrolldown?
Scrolldown is a new alternative to Markdown that is easier to extend.
how is it easier to extend?
because it's a tree language and tree languages are highly composable. for example, adding dialogues was a simple append of 11 lines of parser code and 16 lines of CSS.
okay, how do I use this new feature?
the source is below!
chat hey. I just added Dialogues to Scrolldown. cool. But what's Scrolldown? Scrolldown is a new alternative to Markdown that is easier to extend. how is it easier to extend? because it's a tree language and tree languages are highly composable. for example, adding dialogues was a simple append of 11 lines of parser code and 16 lines of CSS. okay, how do I use this new feature? the source is below!

May 14, 2021 โ€” Dialogues seem to be a really common pattern in books and writings throughout history. So Scroll now supports that.

Here is the parser in the commit that added support for Dialogues:



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