
Breck's Blog - Papers Posts

Trust, and understand.

by Breck Yunits

September 1, 2024


Is there a better way to build a blockchain? Yes.

A Particle Chain is a single plain text document of particles encoded in Particle Syntax with new transactions at the top of the document and an ID generated from the hash of the previous transaction.

Particle Chain is a syntax-free storage format for the base layer of a blockchain to increase trust among non-expert users without sacrificing one iota of capabilities. A Particle Chain can be grokked by >10x as many people, thus leading to an order of magnitude increase in trust and developers on a chain.
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Are some intellectual environments better than others? Yes.

\text{E} = \text{T} / \text{A}!

ETA! states that E, the evolution time of ideas, is the time T needed to test alterations of ideas, divided by the factorial of the number of ideas in the Assembly Pool A!.

Longer evolution times means worse ideas last longer before evolving into better ideas.

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Can we quantify intelligence? Yes.

{Intelligence}(P) = \frac{\text{Coverage}(P)}{\text{Size}(P)}

Program P is a bit vector that can make a bit vector (Predictions) that attempts to predict a bit vector of actual measurements (Nature).

Coverage(P) is the sum of the XNOR of the Predictions vector with the Nature vector.

Intelligence(P) is equal to Coverage(P) divided by Size(P).

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by Breck Yunits

May 31, 2024 โ€” Yesterday, on a plane, I found an equation I sought for a decade.

P = {T^{C^R}}^I

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by Breck Yunits

May 21, 2024

All tabular knowledge can be stored in a single long plain text file.

The only syntax characters needed are spaces and newlines.

This has many advantages over existing binary storage formats.

Using the method below, a very long scroll could be made containing all tabular scientific knowledge in a computable form.

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Yet another method for counting complexity.

by Breck Yunits

December 20, 2017
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by Breck Yunits

September 10, 2017

I introduce the core idea of a new language for making languages.

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June 21, 2017 โ€” Eureka! I wanted to announce something small, but slightly novel, and potentially useful.

What did I discover? That there might be useful general purpose programming languages that don't use any visible syntax characters at all.

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by Breck Yunits

June 21, 2017
Note: I renamed Tree Notation to Particles. For the latest on this, start with Scroll.

This paper presents Tree Notation, a new simple, universal syntax. Language designers can invent new programming languages, called Tree Languages, on top of Tree Notation. Tree Languages have a number of advantages over traditional programming languages.

We include a Visual Abstract to succinctly display the problem and discovery. Then we describe the problem--the BNF to abstract syntax tree (AST) parse step--and introduce the novel solution we discovered: a new family of 2D programming languages that are written directly as geometric trees.

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