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Creative Basic

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Creative Basic is a programming language created in 2008.

#2666on PLDB 16Years Old

Creative Basic (CB) is a third-generation event-driven programming language for Windows, with an integrated development environment (IDE). Current version executables are interpreted and require no runtime libraries be installed on the end-user's computer. A planned future version will have compiled executables. Read more on Wikipedia...

Example from Wikipedia:
def w:WINDOW def wstyle:INT wstyle = @SIZE|@MINBOX|@MAXBOX WINDOW w,50,50,800,600,wstyle,0,"Window Title",main SETWINDOWCOLOR w,RGB(0,0,90) CONTROL w,"B,Exit,(800-80)/2, 500, 80, 40, 0, 1" WAITUNTIL w = 0 END SUB main SELECT @CLASS case @IDCLOSEWINDOW closewindow w ' clicking the Exit button ... case @IDCONTROL select @CONTROLID case 1 closewindow w endselect endselect RETURN

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
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Semantic Indentation X
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