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xCard is a xml format created in 2011.

#4876on PLDB 13Years Old

Example from the web:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vcards xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0"> <vcard> <n> <surname>Gump</surname> <given>Forrest</given> <additional/> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix/> </n> <fn> <text>Forrest Gump</text> </fn> <org> <text>Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.</text> </org> <title> <text>Shrimp Man</text> </title> <photo> <parameters> <mediatype> <text>image/gif</text> </mediatype> </parameters> <uri></uri> </photo> <tel> <parameters> <type> <text>work</text> <text>voice</text> </type> </parameters> <uri>tel:+1-111-555-1212</uri> </tel> <tel> <parameters> <type> <text>home</text> <text>voice</text> </type> </parameters> <uri>tel:+1-404-555-1212</uri> </tel> <adr> <parameters> <label> <text>100 Waters Edge Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America</text> </label> <type> <text>work</text> </type> <pref> <integer>1</integer> </pref> </parameters> <pobox/> <ext/> <street>100 Waters Edge</street> <locality>Baytown</locality> <region>LA</region> <code>30314</code> <country>United States of America</country> </adr> <adr> <parameters> <label> <text>42 Plantation St. Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America</text> </label> <type> <text>home</text> </type> </parameters> <pobox/> <ext/> <street>42 Plantation St.</street> <locality>Baytown</locality> <region>LA</region> <code>30314</code> <country>United States of America</country> </adr> <email> <text></text> </email> <rev> <timestamp>20080424T195243Z</timestamp> </rev> </vcard> </vcards>
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